
La dryade du printemps - 2023
Aquarelle originale carrée 20 cm x 20 cm environ.

#Aquarelle #MastoArt #TraditionalArt #FantasyArt

@Aemarielle Your work is stunning. I've got a magazine and creative community over here on Kbin - The 13th Floor, and if you ever feel like posting your art, it's more than welcome.


Oh I did'nt know Kbin, thank you for the invitation !

@Aemarielle You're always welcome - you're quite talented and I love your mastery of color. I absolutely love Persephone and Hades, btw - it evokes the grace of the women in Gustav Klimt's work, yet is uniquely your own.

I note the pixelfed interface may not allow you to post directly. As such, with your permission, I'd like to post a showcase of your work on the magazine, with links back to your pixelfed account or any other online source you choose for promotion. Your work is excellent and deserves more exposure.